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Head Lice / No Nits

     OCSU’s Head Lice / No Nit Policy was designed to engage the parents and community in the prevention and treatment of head lice. OCSU schools apply a three pronged approach to head lice infestation management which includes (1) community education, (2) regularly scheduled screening and (3) temporary dismissal from school until all lice and eggs (nits) are removed.   For more information:

Life Threatening Allergies:

Allergic reactions can span a wide range of severity of symptoms. The most severe and potentially life-threatening reaction is anaphylaxis.  Anaphylaxis refers to a collection of symptoms affecting multiple systems in the body, the most dangerous of which include a compromised respiratory system and shock. Bee / Wasp stings are a common cause of life threatening allergic reactions as well as foods such as peanuts, tree nuts , milk, wheat, soy, fish and eggs.   At present the only treatments for severe allergies / anaphylaxis are to avoid the allergen or emergency administration of epinephrine and/or diphenhydramine in the event of exposure, followed by initiation of the EMS response system.   OCSU Schools work with students, their parents and their health care provider to ensure that the classroom and entire school experience is safe for all students.  For more information:

Medication Administration


The schools in Orleans Central Supervisory Union understand the value of medication assisting in the treatment and management of diseases and other conditions.  Although it is best for medications to given by parents at home,  it is sometimes necessary for them to be administered at school.  For more information:

Policies & Procedures

*     HEAD LICE    *     MEDICATIONS     *


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